Friday, November 29, 2019

Beginning the Principalship free essay sample

An acceptance speech by a new principal in a school detailing his goals for the year. This paper takes the form of a speech by a principal who accepts the new position bestowed upon him and lists what his aims are for the year ahead. Educational plans, contact with the teachers and staff, communication requirements and problem solving methods. Accepting a position as an elementary school principle is a huge task. Not only is the principle responsible for the well-being, safety and education of the children, but also must also effectively and efficiently manage the staff. Learning is the primary objective, and all initiatives taken should keep this goal in mind. As principle, I anticipate the many problems and issues that may arise during my tenure, which it is my sole responsibility to alleviate.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Mental Illness a New Kind of Language Barrier Professor Ramos Blog

Mental Illness a New Kind of Language Barrier To see it is to believe it, right? But what if you do not know what you are looking at? What if you do not know what you are looking for? Understanding a person suffering with a mental illness can be challenging and overwhelming; it is difficult to understand them, and difficult to communicate with them. But what do you do when you are faced with something difficult? You try to understand it, it is like untying a knot, you find the ends of the thread first and work your way through. To begin, you will get an idea of what it means to be a mentally healthy person. Then you will learn about the signs and symptoms of two specific mental illnesses, Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia, so that you can gain a deeper understanding of each illness and its uniqueness. After each description of these diseases will be techniques of how to interact and communicate with a person suffering from the symptoms of these diseases. What makes a person mentally healthy? Adrienne Dill Linton, who put together the book Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing, defines a mentally healthy person as â€Å"a person who is a living being with physical, cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and social dimensions who interacts with the environment to achieve a chosen life purpose† (1272). Healthy, self-actualized individuals have an accurate perception of reality, they have an ability to accept oneself and others (Linton 1273). A mentally healthy person can be spontaneous, they can solve problems, essentially a mentally healthy person can adapt to change. There is a need for privacy and a need for independence. A mentally healthy person can express themselves emotionally. This person has a frequency of happy moments in their life that produce a sense of worth, hope, and love of life. They identify with humankind, can maintain satisfactory relationships, they have a sense of ethics and they have some sense of resistance to conformity (Linton 1273). This definition and explanation is meant to give you a baseline of what makes a person mentally healthy and self-actualized. Now we will begin to explore how mental illness varies from this baseline. What is Bipolar Disorder? In the book, PN Mental Health Nursing, Bipolar Disorder is described as a mood disorder with recurrent episodes of depression and mania (Sommer et al. 107). Mania is psychotic, paranoid, and/or bizarre behavior. Psychotic behavior can be better explained by simply saying that one has a disconnection from reality. A person demonstrating paranoid behavior may think that everyone is out to get them. To be manic is to have a labile or easily changed mood with euphoria, agitation and irritability (Sommer et al. 109). A person going through a manic episode, has mood changes easily and quickly without rhyme or reason. This person is restless and wants to get going even if they don’t know where they are going or what they are doing. Interference or criticism of what a manic person’s chosen task is can cause increased agitation and irritability. During a manic episode there is an increase in talking and activity and flight of ideas (Sommer et al. 109). This basically means that there is rapid, continuous speech with sudden and frequent topic change. A person going through a manic episode has a disconnection from reality in the fact that they have a grandiose view of self and their abilities, they think of themselves as godlike. In the book The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide, author David J. Miklowitz explains grandiosity as feeling superior to everyone else and believing that only very special people can understand them (24). There is a high level of impulsivity that comes with a manic episode, like spending money and giving away money or possessions (Sommer et al. 109). This can be confused with generosity but the two couldn’t be more different. Generosity describes a person who is prepared to give more than is strictly necessary or expected while impulsivity describes a lack of self-control. The depressive part of bipolar disorder is a flat, blunted, labile affect (Sommer et al. 109). A flat affect means the facial expression never changes, a blunted affect means there is a narrow range of normal expressions and labile affect means an easily changing facial expression. This person going through a depressive episode experiences tearfulness or crying and lack of energy. Francis Mark Mondimore, the author of Bipolar Disorder: A Guide For Patients And Families, describes some of the symptoms of the depressive part of bipolar disorder as having a loss of pleasure and lack of interest in activities, hobbies, sexual activity, and states that this person may have physical reports of discomfort or pain (18). A person with bipolar disorder who is experiencing a depressive episode may not be able to make sense of why they are feeling so low, there may not be a clear reason why they can’t stop crying. Keep in mind what they are feeling is real to them, and it is important to have empathy but not sympathy. To have empathy is to have an ability to understand and share the feeling of another. Sympathy is a feeling of pity and sadness for someone else’s misfortune; it’s not helpful to the person who is suffering. Many people compare bipolar disorder to riding a roller coaster. During a manic episode, people often confuse confidence with grandiosity, spontaneity with bizarre behavior, sensitivity with intolerance of criticism†¦it is important to know that there is a difference. Confidence is a feeling of self-assurance coming from an appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities whereas grandiosity is an unrealistic sense of superiority. Spontaneity is sudden inner impulse or inclination without premeditation or external stimulus versus bizarre behavior which is behavior that is not appropriate to the current circumstances. Sensitivity is being easily offended or hurt but intolerance of criticism is a firm unwillingness to accept any perspectives or thoughts that are different from one’s own. Walking through a manic episode. When a person with Bipolar Disorder, is going through a manic episode, it may appear that they are going 100 miles a minute, that they are in a hurry and can’t focus. So first, be aware of your surroundings; noise, TV, music, background chatter, other people in the vicinity can escalate this person’s behavior (Sommer et al. 110). Think of these factors as stimulants, this person does not need to be stimulated anymore, so quiet the surrounding areas down or take this person somewhere that is quiet. Use a calm voice, to not use inflection or a tone when you speak, give short responses and short explanations (Sommer et al. 110). Set limits, do not let yourself be manipulated (Sommer et al. 110). â€Å"A person in a true manic state usually will not stop moving, and does not eat, drink, or sleep. This can become a medical emergency† (Sommer et al. 111). â€Å"Mania is an abnormally elevated mood that usually requires hospitalization, hypomania is a less severe episode of mania that lasts at least 4 days accompanied by three to four finding of mania. Hospitalization is not required, and the person is less impaired. Mixed episode is a manic episode and a major depressive episode being experience simultaneously, the person has marked impairment in functioning and can require admission to an acute care mental health facility to prevent self-harm or other directed violence† (Sommer et al. 107) The best thing one can do for a person suffering from a manic episode is to get them professional help. If the person in question is diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and they are experiencing a manic episode the best thing to do for them is to get them to a hospital where medical professionals are prepared to assess them. The downside of Bipolar Disorder Now, when a person with Bipolar Disorder is going through a depressive episode, the most serious concern here is suicide. If this person speaks of suicide, ask them if they have a plan. A good rule of thumb is if anyone ever mentions, or hints at suicide when they speak to you, always ask them if they have a plan? If yes, then ask them what their plan is? For example, if they plan on shooting themselves, do they have a gun at home? The reason you want to ask these questions is that you want to know if they have the means to kill themselves and you want to prevent self-harm (Linton 1298). This conversation may be uncomfortable, overwhelming and scary, but these questions may be necessary if you ever find yourself in this position. Use calm, slow, steady speech when talking to this person, this person may not respond immediately so be patient. Do not ask direct questions but rather make observations (Sommer et al. 100). Direct questions can cause stress and seem like an attack. Say â€Å"I noticed you didn’t eat today† rather then â€Å"did you eat today?† or â€Å"why didn’t you eat today?†. Never ask â€Å"why† questions, they can come off as accusatory. Make time to be with this person even if they do not speak, it shows you are available and builds trust. Sometimes you must accept silence. Silence can be therapeutic; it is important that you feel comfortable with silence because silence enables the person before you to consider their own thoughts as well as what you are communicating to them (Linton 1285). You may notice that there are some similarities between Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia, and you may use the similar communication techniques for both. Exploring Schizophrenia. A person is diagnosed with Schizophrenia then they have psychotic thinking or behavior (Sommer et al. 116). A person suffering with schizophrenia has thoughts that are disconnected from reality and it shows in their behavior. â€Å"School, work, self-care, and interpersonal relationships are significantly impaired† (Sommer et al. 116). â€Å"They display bizarre behavior patterns characterized by strange body movements and odd facial expressions, use languages that is impossible to understand, or groom themselves in unusual ways† says Richard S.E. Keefe and Philip D. Harvey in the book Understanding Schizophrenia: A Guide to the New Research on Causes and Treatment(18). This disease is characterized by its symptoms and this disease has symptoms that are separated as being positive or negative. Positive symptoms are a manifestation of things that are not normally present, think of positive symptoms as extra characteristics which are the most easily identified symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, alterations in speech, bizarre behavior such as walking backward constantly (Sommer et al. 117). Negative symptoms are the absence of things that are normally present, think negative symptoms as â€Å"missing.† These symptoms are more difficult to understand. A schizophrenic person’s affect is usually blunted or flat, inability to speak or have thoughts; this person may sit with you but only mumble or respond vaguely to questions. There is a lack of energy, a lack of pleasure or joy, and lack of motivation in activities and hygiene (Sommer et al. 117). Problems with thinking make it very difficult for a person suffering with this disease to live independently. Disordered thinking, inability to make decisions, poor problem-solving ability, difficulty concentrating to perform tasks, memory deficits (long-term memory, working memory such as inability to follow directions to find an address) are examples of what make being independent and schizophrenic difficult (Sommer et al. 117). Emotional manifestations are hopelessness and suicidal ideation. Hope is the one of the most vital emotions we possess; it is a feeling of expectation and desire for something to happen, it’s a wish, an aspiration, a daydream, an ambition. When you lose all hope, when you lose every daydream of a better life or a better day, when you lose all expectations or ambition, it can be devastating, you may ask yourself what is there left to live for. Hopelessness is deadly. Navigating the minefield that is Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is difficult in its own way because in this scenario you are dealing with someone who is hallucinating and/or having delusions. Hallucinations can take the form of hearing voices, seeing things, smelling odors, tasting things, or feeling bodily sensations that are not there. According to Sommer et al., â€Å"Delusions are false fixed beliefs that cannot be corrected by reasoning and are usually bizarre† (116). An example of a delusion would be a person believing that they are giving birth to a dinosaur. This person is not actually giving birth to a dinosaur, but to them, it is real. A Schizophrenic person who is suffering with hallucinations might hear voices or feel ants crawling on their skin. If you are faced with someone who is struggling with schizophrenia and experiencing hallucinations or delusions, do not argue and do not agree with them. This person suffering from hallucination or delusions believes they are just as real as a mentally healthy person believing that the sky is blue. To them, it is a rational and matter of fact thought. If they say they hear voices that are telling them to kill themselves you would say â€Å"I don’t hear anything, but that sounds scary† and try to provide safety to prevent them from causing harm to themselves or others. How do you keep this person safe? Seek professional help, call 911. Be genuine and empathetic in all communications with this person. Reorient them to reality and focus conversations on reality-based topics. One day, you may find yourself facing someone you care about who is suffering from the symptoms of Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder. You may find yourself wanting to help them, but not knowing where to start or what to say. Take a step back and remind yourself that this person communicates differently. Do they use words? Yes, but they are telling you something with their behavior as well. Observe the person before you, are they mumbling? Does it sound like they are talking to someone who is not there? Are they focused on you? Or are they focused on something else? Does it look like they are looking at someone or something that is not there? Do they seem panicked? Do they seem lethargic? Asking yourself questions like these will be helpful in determining how to communicate with a person diagnosed with a mental illness who is experiencing an episode. In any scenario, be available, listen, clarify, share observations, be genuine and be prepared for silence. If you find yourself perplexed by the issues that come with helping someone who is diagnosed with a mental illness you can reach out to various advocacy groups such as Mental Health America or the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Websites for mental health Keefe, Richard S. E., and Philip D. Harvey. Understanding Schizophrenia: A Guide to the New Research on Causes and Treatment. Free Press, 1994. Linton, Adrianne Dill. Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing. 6th ed., Elsevier Saunders, 2016. Miklowitz, David Jay. The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide What You and Your Family Need to Know. Guilford Press, 2002. Mondimore, Francis Mark. Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for Patients and Families. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999. Sommer, Sherry, et al. PN Mental Health Nursing. 9.0 ed., Assessment Technologies Institute, LLC., 2014.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

International business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 7

International business - Essay Example The company offers varied range of products or services to different customers by expanding their business portfolio in many countries. The internationalization of Tesco PLC has created huge impact to change the supplier-retailer dynamics in terminating, weakening and consolidating relationships. The internationalization also created problematic situation for the company. The aim of the paper is to present and describe mistakes done by Tesco Plc. during the process of internationalization. It has been understood that learning concept delivers new perspective and theoretical framework for filtering, re-evaluation and reinterpreting on the process of internationalization. Furthermore, the paper provided vivid explanation about mistakes done by Tesco PLC. The application of effective theoretical concepts or models enables to provide better understanding about the problem. In recent years, the amount of cross-border operations that are conducted by retailers is on rise. The group of growing retailers has seen a substantial structural change. A redefinition of balanced externalized and internalized purposes has provided vivid evident that retailers are expanding their business operation to move out of domestic marketplace. The application of internationalization has become pivotal requirement for these multinational enterprises to gain and grow their scale of economies. Tesco PLC has focused to diversify their grocery retail business. The process of internationalization has become prime focus of the company to grow their market globally (Knight, 2008, p.92). Tesco PLC has globalized environment with stores in the Turkey, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea, etc. In the year 2006, there was a headline which stated that foreign market growth is the one of the key goals of Tesco PLC. But now it seems like this strategy of global ambition is heading for the checkout

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Planning Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Programs Assignment

Planning Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Programs - Assignment Example Plan a meal timetable within your means. Be realistic to yourself, you may not be able to become a complete vegetarian, but you can incorporate vegetables into your meals twice or thrice a week. Do not plan to lose 30 pounds in one month that is out of your reach (Ostchega & National Center for Health Statistics, 2008). Instead, you can plan to lose 2 pounds every week. That is achievable and will be relevant to the DASH program. This is a primary prevention program that an individual can work alone’ (National High Blood Pressure Education Program, 1993) Regular exercise at least 30 to 60 minutes per day in a week lowers your blood pressure by 4 to 9 millimetres of mercury (mm Hg). For it to be effective in controlling hypertension, SMART goals must be set. Exercise will be effective when you ask yourself what you want to accomplish. For instance, you can decide to lose weight by walking. A specific exercise goal will help you decide which formula to use to accomplish your objective. To know that you have reached your target, there must be measurement. Do not just walk often, walk for 30 minutes for seven times in a weak. Use a scale to measure your weight and a tape measure to measure your waist before the beginning of weight loss program. This will help you calculate the progress of the program. The program should answer the questions like how much and how often. The program objectives should be achievable. For example, you cannot start by walking 7miles in 20 minutes but you can start with 1 mile in 30 minutes. The basic question here is, â€Å"can I do or have the ability. When you start, the program, ask yourself, do I have enough resources and skills to do this? Do I have the will to work for this objective? It should be realistic and not what you cannot sustain. For instance, you can walk for 30 minutes every day but it is difficult to walk for 2 hours

Monday, November 18, 2019

U05a1 Project - Outline and Bibliography Assignment

U05a1 Project - Outline and Bibliography - Assignment Example Retrieved 9 august, 2009 from Galrahn. (2009). The great debate about the future fleet structure. Information Retrieved 9 august, 2009 from Heller, R. (2006). Management Challenges: The Management Revolution has brought with it challenges that must be met. Retrieved 9 August, 2009 from Linton, R.D. (2003). Information dissemination management tactical: Providing information at the right place and format. Army Communicator, Winter (III), Retrieved 9 August, 2009 from Moseley, M. (2009). Multidomain master data management for business success. IInformation Management and Sourcemedia Inc. Retrieved 9 August, 2009 from Svenkerud, P. J. (1995). Testing the applicability of two information dissemination models, diffusion of innovations and social marketing, for HIV/AIDS prevention among unique population groups in Thailand. Ohio: Ohio

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Tree of Life in Evolution: A Discussion

Tree of Life in Evolution: A Discussion Introduction The tree of life in science describes the relationships of all life on Earth in an evolutionary context. Charles Darwin talks about envisioning evolution ; however, the books sole illustration is of a branched diagram that is very tree-like. The evolutionary relationships of the tree of life were refined using genetic data by the great American microbiologist Carl Woese, the discoverer of the domain Archaea and a pioneer in genetic methods in evolutionary biology. Homology and homoplasy are two aspects of evolution. Homology is the concept where two similar structures have the same functions and they are derived through descent from a common ancestor. The two other external factors affecting genetic variation Vertically generated and horizontally acquired variation. Vertically generated and horizontally acquired variation Vertically generated and horizontally acquired variation are the yin and the yang of the evolutionary process. They are very important to make evolution possible. Each of them is different in evolutionary impact. Vertically generated variation is highly restricted in character, it amounts to variations on a lineages existing cellular themes. Whereas for horizontal transfer, it can call on the diversity of the entire biosphere and systems that have evolved under all manner of conditions, in a great variety of different cellular environments. Thus, horizontally derived variation is the major evolutionary source of true innovation in novel enzymatic pathways and novel membrane transporter. Vertically generated variation is not very easy to manage and use. Vertically generated variation hold the key to the evolution of biological complexity and specificity. The essence of vertically generated variation on a lineages existing themes is the principal way in which biological specificity and cellular integration evolve. A horizontal acquisition of true novelty and a predominantly vertical generation of complexity and functional differentiation, and integration are the two forces whose interchange propels the evolution of the cell. Although horizontal transfer and vertical inheritance generally have very different evolutionary consequences, there are conditions important in the present context under which their effects copy one another, like two peas in a pod. Horizontal gene transfer is any process which an organism incorporates genetic material from another organism without being the offspring of that organism. By comparing with vertical transfer, it occurs when an organism receives genetic material from its ancestor like its evolved parent. Most scientists have focused on vertical transfer, but there is a awareness that horizontal gene transfer is a highly significant phenomenon, and amongst single-celled organisms are the dominant form of genetic transfer. Artificial horizontal gene transfer is a form of genetic engineering. The Cambrian explosion The Cambrian explosion or radiation was the seemingly rapid appearance of most major groups of complex animals around 530 million years ago, as evidenced by the fossil record. This was accompanied by a major diversification of other organisms, including animals, phytoplankton, and calcimicrobes. Before about 580 million years ago, most organisms were simple, composed of individual cells occasionally organized into colonies. Over the following 70 or 80 million years the rate of evolution accelerated by an order of magnitude in terms of the extinction and origination rate of species and the diversity of life began to resemble today. The Cambrian explosion has generated extensive scientific debate. The seemingly rapid appearance of fossils in the Primordial Strata was noted as early as the mid 19th century,and Charles Darwin saw it as one of the main objections that could be made against his theory of evolution by natural selection. The long-running puzzlement about the appearance of the Cambrian fauna, seemingly abruptly and from nowhere, centers on three key points: whether there really was a mass diversification of complex organisms over a relatively short period of time during the early Cambrian; what might have caused such rapid evolution; and what it would imply about the origin and evolution of animals. Interpretation is difficult due to a limited supply of evidence, based mainly on an incomplete fossil record and chemical signatures left in Cambrian rocks. The Cambrian explosion can be viewed as two waves of metazoan expansion into empty niches. Firstly, a co-evolutionary rise in diversity as animals explored niches on the Ediacaran sea floor, followed by a second expansion in the early Cambrian as they became established in the water column. The rate of diversification seen in the Cambrian phase of the explosion is unparalleled among marine animals: it affected all metazoan clades of which Cambrian fossils have been found. Later radiations, such as those of fish in the Silurian and Devonian periods, involved fewer taxa, mainly with very similar body plans. Although the recovery from the Permian-Triassic extinction started with about as few animal species as the Cambrian explosion, the recovery produced far fewer significantly new types of animals. Whatever triggered the early Cambrian diversification opened up an exceptionally wide range of previously-unavailable ecological niches. When these were all occupied, there was little room for such wide-ranging diversifications to occur again, because there was strong competition in all niches and incumbents usually had the advantage. If there had continued to be a wide range of empty niches, clades would be able to continue diversifying and become disparate enough for us to recognise them as different phyla when niches are filled, lineages will continue to resemble one another long after they diverge, as there is limited opportunity for them to change their life-styles and forms. There is a similar one-time explosion in the evolution of land plants: after a cryptic history beginning about 450 million years ago, land plants underwent a uniquely rapid adaptive radiation during the Devonian period, about 400 million years ago. Different Historical Fossil Records Of Plant And Animal Life Plant life during the cambrian and ordovician which are the first two periods of the paleozoic era was confined to the water. Algae of immense size several hundred feet in length dominated the seas. Land plants came into existence in silurian time in the form of strange little vascular plants named the psilophytes. In the carboniferous period, imposing spore bearing trees lepidodendrids and calamites, and primitive naked seeded plants pteridosperms and cordaites reached their peak of development. The end of the paleozoic era marked the extinction of the majority of the luxuriant trees of the carboniferous coal swamps. The mesozoic era was the age of gymnosperms as evidenced by the abundance of cycads, ginkgoes and conifers. Flowering plants in the form of angiosperm rose to ascendancy toward the close of the mesozoic era and established themselves as the dominant plant group on the earth. In animal life, many of the invertebrate groups were already highly diversified and abundant in the cambrian the first period of the paleozpic era 600 million years ago. The paleozoic era called the age of invertebrates with its multitude of nautiloids, eurtpterids and trilobites. Brachiopods with hinged valves were the commonest shellfish of the paleozoic seas. In the mesozic era, the air breathing insects and vertebrates in the shape of the widely distributed reptiles held the center of the stage. Birds and mammals became prominent in the cenozoic era and the human species arrived on the scene in the closing stages of this era. Paleontologist study the fossil record based on boundaries between strata where one mix of fossils gives way to another. Transitional links are intermediate between major groups. Archeopteryx has features intermediate between primitive reptiles and birds. Eustheopteron is fish ancestral to amphibians. Seymoria is amphibian ancestral to reptiles. Therapsids are reptiles ancestral to mammals. Data are understandable assuming humans and chimpanzees share a more recent commn ancestor than do humans and ducks or yeast. Biochemical evidence is generally consistent with anatomical similarity of organisms. Tortoises, lizards, sunflower trees and other unqiue plants and animals on the islands were similar to forms on the mainland of south american as they were descended from those organisms. The differences between each island group resulted from the inhabitants of each island having been isolated from each other and changing slowly and separately in response to the conditions on their own island. Factors Affecting The Pace Of Species Evolution The factors affecting species who had evolved significantly overtime while other species did not evolve as much are due to biological factors like point mutation and viruses infection where DNA is easily attacked and attracted by viruses. There are also one other important factor that support it. Natural selection, in the form of overproduction of offspring, constancy of numbers, struggle for existence where members of a species were constantly competing with each other in an effort to survive and only a few will live long enough to breed. There were also variation among the offspring, survival of the fittest where only the strongest will survive the tough condition. Like produce like and last but not least, the formation of new species where individuals lacking favourable characteristic are less likely to survive long enough to breed. The inheritance of one small variation will not by itself produce a new species. However, the development of a number of variations in a particular di rection over many generation will gradually lead to the evolution of a new species. Conclusion The prokaryotes, the bacteria and archaea have the ability to transfer genetic information between unrelated organisms through Horizontal gene transfer (HGT). Recombination, gene loss, duplication, and gene creation are a few of the processes by which genes can be transferred within and between bacterial and archael species, causing variation that is not due to vertical transfer. There is emerging evidence of HGT occurring within the prokaryotes at the single and multicell level and the view is now emerging that the tree of life gives an incomplete picture of lifes evolution. It was a useful tool in understanding the basic processes of evolution but cannot explain the full complexity of the situation. Ultimately, i concluded that tree of life is correct and accurate to a certain extent but the informations obtained was not enough and completed. REFERENCE HTTP:// HTTP:// Futuyma, D. J. (1998) Evolutionary Biology. 3rd edn. Sunderland, Massachusetts: Sinauer Assiociates, Inc. Long, J. A. (1995) The Rise Of Fishes: 500 million years of evolution. Australia, Sydney: University of New South Wales Press. Solomon, E. P, Berg, L. R Martin D. W. (2002) Biology. 6th edn. Thomson Learning, Inc.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Insulation :: essays research papers fc

Insulation Introduction The experimenter is testing on denim, cotton T-shirt material, wool fabric, thermal underwear, polyester fabric, and a Ziplock bag with no insulator. From research the experimenter learned that wool is a fine soft wavy hair that forms all or part of the protective coat of a sheep. Since ancient times it was harvested to provide clothing and is an important part in textile trade because of its insulation. Woolen fabric is when the woolen system uses short or mixed long and short fiber where no combing is done. It has a rough appearance and is most suitable for blankets, overcoats, and tweeds. Denim which the experimenter is also testing is the material used to make blue jeans and is currently one of the world's most popular fabrics. It is fairly heavy and is made with a blue cotton warp and a white cotton filling (Groilers, 1996). The thermal underwear is duofold, with an outer layer made of 65% cotton, 25% wool, and 10% nylon, and an inner layer made of 100% cotton. It's the winter again and the weather is becoming colder. Each morning many people wonder what to wear to stay as warm as possible, but they aren't sure which material will keep them warmest. The experiment was chosen to see which clothing insulator retains the most heat. "Insulation is material that protects against heat, cold, electricity, or sound." (Science Encyclopedia, 1984). In this case the insulation will be protecting against a cold temperature. The hypothesis is if denim, cotton T-shirt material, wool fabric, polyester fabric, thermal underwear, and a Ziplock bag with out insulating material are tested to see which one retains the most heat, then wool fabric will retain the most heat because it holds an important place in today's textile trade because of its good insulation and the fact that it comes from the protective coat of sheep who need to stay warm and use that as their insulator. Procedure The first thing the experimenter does is fill the inside of five, gallon-sized Ziplock bags with the insulation material so it is one centimeters thick all around. Leave the sixth Ziplock bag empty because it will serve as the control group. Then fasten the insulating materials to the inside of the gallon sized Ziplock bag with adhesive tape. Next the experimenter boils ten pints of tap water and let it cool until (using the candy thermometer) the temperature drops to 49 degrees Celsius. Then immediately fill each of the six canning jars with equal amounts of the water. Immediately after that drop a regular thermometer into each jar, and cap it

Monday, November 11, 2019

Hum/176 Week 1

Hello! Thank you for your submission this week. Here is some feedback to help you assess your assignment contribution versus what was expected in this assignment. Please see the following as a guide for how your responses measured versus the ideal answers to this activity. Assignment: News Media, Option 1: Toolwire ® Learnscape Credibility and Impact Purpose of Assignment: In this Learnscape, students take on the role of Deputy Speech Writer for Senator Owen Johnson.Students use the Internet (via a Universe of Content consisting of 12 sites hosted on the Toolwire ® system) to identify credibility issues related to the use of Internet content as it pertains to political issues. In doing so, they also have to discern which sources are most credible and be able to substantiate this. The student is also asked to review a speech outline from the senator and write an introductory paragraph addressing the effect of the Internet on politics.Resources Required: Toolwire ® Learnscape Cre dibility and Impact Grading Guide |Assessment A Part One – Credibility and Impact: Exploring the Internet and Politics | |Summary |This interaction is the first part of the assessment (Part A). The student opens the InVision Pro | | |application and uses a drag-and-drop list to assess the credibility of the sites from the Universe| | |of Content dashboard.When the student has completed the drag-and-drop list, they close the | | |InVision Pro application and their BlackBerry ® Smartphone rings with a video call from the | | |senator. | |Character |Text | | |InVision Pro |Instructions: Indicate whether each Web site is credible by dragging and dropping your | |Application |answer from the list at the left. | | | |[Student drags yes or no to the Credible? column from a list to the left of the table. | | | |The Why? column will automatically populate with notes from the Notepad of the Universe | | | |of Content interaction. When finished, the student is prompted to close the | | | |application. | | | | | | | |[Completed table should look like the below (answers):] | | | | | | | |Website | | | |Credible? | | |Why? | | | | | | | |The Drudge Report | | | |No | | | |News aggregator run by known conservative Matt Drudge – Certainly, he has his own | | | |agenda, but could someone pay Drudge to promote or bury a story? | | | | | | |Daily Kos | | | |No | | | |The largest progressive community blog in the United States – What are the | | | |qualifications of the posters? Do they research their posts or just spout opinions? | | | | | | |The Huffington Post | | | |No | | | |Named after founder and editor-in-chief, Arianna Huffington – Her personal views drive | | | |the content, which leans quite liberal. | | | | | | | |POLITICO | | | |Yes | | | |It looks like it tries to dig a bit deeper than mainstream media.The half news, half | | | |blog format may make it hard to figure out what to take at face value. | | | | | | | |Salon | | | |Yes | | | |Self-described â€Å"award-winning online news and entertainment website. † Forbes calls it | | | |†smart and provocative. It’s well respected, but where does the entertainment end and | | | |the news begin? What’s written to deliberately provoke? | | | | | | | |Colbert Nation | | | |No | | | |Is this truth or comedy? When comedy is the goal, can you ever tell what’s real and | | | |what’s skewed just for a laugh? | | | | | | |The Hill | | | |Yes | | | |Nonpartisan, nonideological with the largest circulation of the Capitol Hill newspapers | | | |– This is where Congress gets its news. Could it use its influence to sway political | | | |insiders? | | | | | | |The Nation | | | |Yes | | | |This site has been reporting since the Lincoln administration. The mission is clear: | | | |â€Å"The Nation will not be the organ of any party, sect, or body. It will, on the contrary,| | | |make an earnest effort to bring to the discussion o f political and social questions a | | | |really critical spirit, and to wage war upon the vices of violence, exaggeration, and | | | |misrepresentation by which so much of the political writing of the day is marred. | | | | | | | |– from The Nation's founding prospectus, 1865 | | | | | | | |That is tough to argue with. | | | | | | | |Red, Green and Blue | | | |No | | |Environmental politics from across the spectrum – likely a bias towards only posting | | | |stories that support their position on the environment. | | | | | | | |Crooks and Liars | | | |No | | | |John Amato’s blog – All opinions with some references to real news outlets. But where | | | |are the facts? | | | | | | |The Washington Post | | | |Yes | | | |The hometown newspaper of national politics – A pile of Pulitzers gives WaPo all the | | | |credibility it needs. | | | | | | | |The New York Times | | | |Yes | | | |Internationally acclaimed, you cannot get more respected than â₠¬ËœThe Gray Lady. But that | | | |doesn’t mean there will never be bias or a conflict of interest. | | | | | | |Assessment A Part Two: Answer the Senator about Credibility, (at Student Office) – Credibility and Impact: Exploring the Internet| |and Politics | |Summary |This interaction is the second half of the first part of the assessment (Part A). The student | | |receives a video call on their BlackBerry ® Smartphone from the senator.After a brief hello | | |interchange, the senator asks the student to comment on credibility issues pertaining to using | | |information from Internet sources. The student answers via a 140-character short-answer format. After| | |the student sends that information, the senator will call back to acknowledge receipt. When the | | |student hangs up, the scene transitions to the student’s apartment. | |Character |Text | | |Senator Owen |Wow, that’s fast.Now that you’ve done the legwork, I need you to comment on credi bility | | |Johnson |issues pertaining to using information from Internet sources. What do you think? | | |Student (via |[Answer should include: You should look for more information about a Web site, as it’s | | |short-answer text |often not obvious whether it’s nonpartisan, leans left or right, or even employs | | |box) |professional journalists. To really find out if a site is credible, you often have to | | | |look past the home page.Many sites have a long track record of credibility, but that | | | |does not exempt them from any and all possibility of bias, conflicts of interest, or | | | |misreporting in the future. The world’s greatest news outlets all make mistakes | | | |sometimes. You should look at everything with a grain of salt. Someone may leave out a | | | |fact by accident, bury a story that puts a friend in a bad light, or publish something | | | |deliberately false to advance their career. ] | | |Assessment B: Writing the Speech, (at Student Off ice) – Credibility and Impact: Exploring the Internet and Politics | |Summary This interaction is the second part of the assessment (Part A). The student is in their office to | | |write the introductory paragraph for the speech. The student opens the outline so that they may use | | |it for reference. They then open a new document in the InVision Pro application and write a | | |short-answer essay (100- to 350-words) in the application. Per the senator’s instructions from his | | |e-mail, the student then attaches the document to an e-mail to the senator. When the student clicks | | |Send, the interaction is complete. |Character |Text | | |InVision Write Pro |The student must write a short-answer essay (100- to 350-words) as the introductory | | | |paragraph to the senator’s speech about the effect of the Internet on politics. ] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |[Answer should include: Politics now change very rapidly.Politicians must be able to | | | |rea ct quickly to what is happening in the world. More voter participation in Internet | | | |media provides politicians with more information about what Americans want. Internet | | | |technology allows politicians to reach more people, more often. ] | | |Written Response | |[Answers Vary: Students provide a 250 word response providing an explanation as to whether or not the information media have | |social responsibility. ] |

Friday, November 8, 2019

PSYC 101 essays

PSYC 101 essays The Effects of Trauma on Family Members and Processes In Lenore Terrs Too Scared to Cry In Lenore Terrs book, Too Scared to Cry, the author describes the effects of a traumatic event on the family of the traumatized person. The family processes are disrupted, and the family members of the victim of trauma can be deeply affected. In the book, Terr describes several families who have been forever changed by the traumatic event, and these specific cases illustrate the contagious nature of trauma, and the branching out of trauma of a single individual to the ordeal of the family of the traumatized. One case Terr describes was that of the Banks family of Chowchilla. Both children, Tania and Benji, were victims of the Chowchilla bus kidnapping. At the time of the event, Tania was 8, and Benji, 5. Both children were traumatized by the kidnapping. Tania, originally described by her family as a happy and outgoing child, underwent a severe personality change after the kidnapping. Because she was prevented from going camping with her parents and their cousins by a no children rule, the kidnapping, for her, was linked to this anger and resentment at her family. In fact, when Terr describes her visits with the Banks family, she outlines in detail Tanias angry personality, though her anger is not focused on the kidnappers or even her parents (consciously), but the world around her. She became racist and bigoted, tormented her brother, withdrew from social activity, and lost interest in school (p.55). The kidnapping also took a toll on the Banks parents, Harry and Lois. They se emed to be unable to find an outlet for their emotions, as well. Harry began writing a song about the event (though later, he was unable to sing the unfinished work). Lois felt the need to talk about the kidnapping to anyone who would listen (in fact, other parents of kidnapped children became angry at her big mouth"...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Committee on Public Information essays

The Committee on Public Information essays On April 6, 1917, the American gesture to enter WWI left the government with domestic concerns. With no regulations on what was fed to the public through the often sensationalized news, it created an absence of public unity. With the public split on their feelings of the war, Woodrow Wilson made a drastic decision to bring the country to support the war efforts. On April 13, 1917, Wilson created the Committee on Public Information to promote the war domestically while publicizing American war aims abroad. The creation of this committee would change the face of war coverage and would affect the media for decades, and even centuries, to come. George Creel, an outspoken critic of public censorship and a well known muckraking journalist, was put in control of the CPI. Although he did have strong animosity towards censorship at the hands of public servants, he disregarded his feelings and immediately took steps to limit damaging information leaking out to the public. The Committee quickly began to recruit a great deal from business, media, academia, and the even the art world. They soon organized and bused advertising techniques, combined with a knowledge of the human psyche, and waged the first large scale example of modern government war propaganda being fed to the public in order to gain support. As the war waged on, threats of German war propaganda began to rise. In response to the threat, the CPI implemented voluntary guidelines for both news and media, eventually prompting the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918 to be passed. The committee did not have many powers granted to them, but they relied on their censorship powers and knowledge to entice reports to stay in their good graces. Many reports did so, although not necessarily having to in most cases, for fear of being outcasted from the CPIs inner circle of knowledge. These actions of the CPI not only had a great affect on med ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

As an Employer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

As an Employer - Essay Example try is too high and at the same time these people stay longer without jobs, the government strains in terms of shelling out money to cater for their livelihood. For instance, the Brazilian economy was slugged in the year 2001 following 58% increment in unemployment rate from the previous year. It took another two years for the Brazilian economy to re-gain its stability (Taylor, 2006). Another relationship between the economy of Brazil and unemployment rates is in terms of spending power. High rates of unemployment leads to reduced rates of spending since the unemployed persons decides to save their money and drastically cut on their expenditure which in turn affects the economy. On the other hand, the employed persons also reduce their rate of spending due to insecurity of their own work and increased taxes by the government. If this trend continues, the government becomes unable to obtain or collect enough taxes to sustain the economy and this leads to economic instability in the country; as witnessed in the years 2001 up to the year 2004. In short the government can only sustain its economy if it obtains enough taxes and revenues from public spending. It is this public spending that unemployment targets in order to curb the economy and make it unstable. Most businesses in the country cut prices in order to sell their products and sometimes lead them out of busi ness thus casing even more unemployment (Taylor, 2006). Lastly, the Brazilian economy is related with its unemployment rates in terms of recession. In situations where the country experiences increased levels of unemployment, some vital economic factors such as health costs, income, healthcare quality, living standards and poverty are affected. These economic determinants at the end affect the stability, performance and growth of the country’s economy (Taylor, 2006). The last time unemployment rate was reported in Brazil was in September 2011 and the standings were at 6%. This is seen as a lower figure

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Maritime Economics of Australia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Maritime Economics of Australia - Essay Example 88) The current data suggests that Australian ship owners are also foremost in the meadow on new buildings and issuing increased quality and additional services to sea trade. Several of these recently commissioned ships were located under the State flag. During January and February of 2007, 300 new-fangled buildings casing all types of vessels, were added to the Australia's owned navy as 59 modern vessels were added to the 910 ships previously beneath the Australian flag. (Wang J, 2007, p. 91) The Australian owned convoy according to current figures accounts for additional 2,600 ships and its transporting competence being at 218,000,000 DWT, casing 16.5% of the world transportation needs. These figures correspond to about 40 billion US $. (Pallis A, 2007, 84) Australian vessel owners uphold 8.5% of the universal fleet and 16.5% of the planet tonnage. They own 24.1% of the tanker navy, 20.4% of the dry shipment convoy and 9.6% of the complex tanker vessels. (Evans J, 1990, p. 85) The administration of Hellenic owned shipping is performed within the organizational framework of overseas countries such as the Great Britain, City of London thus contributing to the expansion of important commerce centers. Thus Australian shipping acquaintances its foremost development and role worldwide to the intercontinental stock market, the charters' worldwide market and other pertinent economic activities. (Stopford M, 1997, p. 93) COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGES Hellenic shipping comprises of ships that are mostly specialized in massive transportation of parched and liquid freight as well as in shipping of traditional general cargoes. These ships account for 95% of Hellenic owned navy while the residual 5% includes cruisers, coastal ships and commercial. (McConville J, 1999, p. 68) Since it is a universal leading power in nautical transportation, Australian owned shipping operates on a globe scale casing the transportation requirements of countries well beyond the Greek state. This flotilla serves the trade requirements of many countries all through the world. Moreover, shipbuilding, repairs, ship scrapping, marine cover and rental take place abroad. (Evans J, 1990, p. 90) Hellenic mercantile shipping has gained all through the years by providing excellent services particularly in the fields of security of steering and at sea, the defense of the maritime environment and in the current form of safety and tradition. (McConville J, 1995, p. 72) Australia having natural gas reserves and the availability of iron ore offer a natural setting for DR foliage which eventually eliminates the need for reliance on imported fragment to the whole Asia Pacific region. (Stopford M, 1997, p. 94) Australian living principles, circumstances of service and wages, and duty rates are considerably higher than those applying to squad employed on most overseas shipping. Australian delivery can never anticipate to compete against these ships. This is because no Australian would recognize wages and circumstances that counterpart those of the lowest levels of emerging nations. (Wang. J, 2007, p.99) COMPARATIVE DISADVANTAGES World delivery is subjugated by flag of conveniences vessels registered in tax havens like Panama and Liberia where they are not necessary to meet